The Benton County Republican Womens' Club participates in many non-political programs and events and it is our honor to support all our troops and veterans, not as partisans but as grateful Americans. We keep our soldiers and their families in our thoughts and prayers and we are pleased to take action on their behalf whenever and however we can be of help.

Thank our Troops and... help the DAR set a world record!

Benton County Republican Women are enthusiastic to help the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) set a record for the “Most letters to military personnel collected in one month.” In order to set the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title, DAR must collect and then mail at least 10,000 letters to active duty service members in one month’s time. So you're in, right? Please bring your letter to the BCRW's General Meeting on Monday, April 25, 2016, 11AM, at King Tin Restaurant, 1857 NW 9th St. in Corvallis.

Thank you!