A Vietnam War veteran, who endured one of the longest captivities as a prisoner of war in American history, has died. Retired Air Force Col. George Robert Hall succumbed Sunday [February 16, 2014] to his 20-year battle with Parkinson’s Disease. He was 83. “He was just a great American. He was just a strong, strong individual,” said his brother Sam Hall of Hattiesburg, a retired golfer. “You couldn’t survive seven and one-half years as a prisoner of war and 20 years with that disease and not be a strong person.” George Robert Hall, who graduated from Hattiesburg High School in 1948, spent 7 ½ years (from 1965 to 1973) as a prisoner of war of the North Vietnamese army, after his plane was shot down during a reconnaissance mission. Read more at Air Force Times
(Hat tip: Jonathan Hayes)
Vietnam veteran, POW George Robert Hall dies at 83
Col. George Robert Hall (Ret),
Vietnam War