The Benton County Republican Womens' Club participates in many non-political programs and events and it is our honor to support all our troops and veterans, not as partisans but as grateful Americans. We keep our soldiers and their families in our thoughts and prayers and we are pleased to take action on their behalf whenever and however we can be of help.

Thank you for your service!

(Hat tip: Jonathan Hayes)

On April 17, 2007, the Benton County Republican Women arranged for Charles Wiley, from Accuracy in Media (AIM), to speak at their district meeting and also arranged for him to speak on campus through the OSU College Republicans. AIM is a media watchdog. Wiley reported that there was a huge ticker-tape parade to welcome the soldiers home from Vietnam. It was a full-blown celebration that wound through Manhattan and ended up at Times Square. The crowd was estimated at 750,000 well-wishers. Did you know that? We were stunned. The mainstream media was silent... and they shaped the news through omission, in this case. Thank you to all who are serving now, and to all who have served our great country. A belated thank you to our Vietnam Veterans, who --for so long-- felt unappreciated for their service.