The Benton County Republican Womens' Club participates in many non-political programs and events and it is our honor to support all our troops and veterans, not as partisans but as grateful Americans. We keep our soldiers and their families in our thoughts and prayers and we are pleased to take action on their behalf whenever and however we can be of help.

OSU ROTC Blood Drive

From Pat Dysart, BCRW Paciderm Editor - As we try to help our troops, an area that often gets overlooked is blood donation. The OSU Army ROTC holds two drives each year on the OSU campus at the Navy Center and they typically occur Fall and Spring terms. These drives are part of the Armed Services Blood Program, the official US military blood program. The need for blood is constant. Your donation serves as a vital link to military service members and their families; and have helped to ensure the high quality care of our Service members, retirees, family members, and deployed troops. ∴ For more information, please visit the Armed Services Blood Bank Center – Pacific NW website: