A message from Lou, 3/16/2010 - Operation Homefront is now located in Heritage Mall. They have a really nice space and furnishing donated to meet the troops, for training on budgeting, shopping, and just surviving. ∴ Today I stopped by to see how contributions were going and received an SOS request for needed items. It appears that [the largest deployment of National Guard Troops in Oregon's history is coming to an end and troops will be returning from Iraq], many without jobs. This will put an added load on the food supply at Operation Homefront when the food closet is already low.
It would be wonderful if everyone could bring one or more items to BCRW meetings. Financial contributions are also welcome. I will see to it that your donations are taken to Operations Homefront.
One item that is exceptionally needed is baby diapers of all sizes. The rest that they are asking for is in the food area and I have listed some suggestions below.
- Complete Box Meal Dinners
Tuna helper
Canned tuna
Canned ham
Canned milk
Powder drink mixes
Hot breakfast cereal
Cold breakfast cereal
Toaster pastries
Peanut butter
Pancake mix
Pancake syrup
Soda Crackers
Snack crackers
Packaged snacks and cookies
Microwave meals
Microwave popcorn
Dried beans
Canned Vegetables
Canned fruit
Spaghetti sauce
Cooking oil
Cake mixes
Canned frosting
Cookie/brownie mix
Lou Copes